Coming in the next month are new Operational FDA Compliance Requirements. Are you ready?
In late 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration announced that all restaurants with 20 or more locations will be required to present all calorie counts for their food and drinks. This includes similar retail food restaurants that are part of a chain or linked to a chain. The compliance date for all establishments is May 5, 2018 meaning that every restaurant brand must be prepared ahead of time or face fines and even potential store closures. As of May 2, 2017, the FDA has officially given a 1 year extension for brands to comply with these regulations giving them more time to ensure that they are ready for the change, without punishment.
Are You Adequately Prepared for the Coming Change?
Above is a short infographic explaining in more detail, what consumers and business owners alike can expect to see once the new guidelines come into effect.
Having proper and correct operational processes in place will ensure that your brand, is compliant with these new regulations. Corporate management is responsible for laying out the guidelines to their franchisees and so you must have the capability to adequately assess whether each location is compliant.
Let us know if you would like to learn more about the regulations and how we can help!